Thursday, October 18, 2007

Friday Fave 5

In honor of the last week of the State Fair, here are my FIVE FAVORITE THINGS ABOUT TEXAS...

  1. The history- This may make me a dork, but I love that we can go to all of the the neat battlefields and places that have to do with the Texas revolution. *TRIVIA* Texas is the only state in the union that can legally succeed without it being considered an act of war. With the current influx of immigrants, this is something the rest of the country may ask us to do soon. That brings me to my next fave...

  2. Tex Mex- I can't call this 'Mexican food" because I am from New Mexico and know that wolf brand chili is found nowhere in the legacy of real Mexican cuisine... I love that everything on a Tex Mex menu is covered in cheese. I love that there is nothing really funky or unidentifiable, just greasy, cheesy goodness with refried beans on the side.

  3. The culture- Texas has all of these neat little towns spread out that have such fun cultures. There are Czechs, Germans, French... and the list goes on. My appetite for yummy pastries really enjoys this particular feature of our grand state.

  4. The landscape- I have always thought that it was cool that Texas has beaches, hills, lakes, woodlands, plains, deserts and mountains (sort of). Not many states can boast such a feat. that also has to do with one of the other things about Texas that I love- it's size. I don't know why I feel like it is something to brag about when you could say that your could drive all day and never get out of our state. Speaking of bragging...

  5. The pride- I know other states may think they are better and have some kind of cool identity, but really nothing beats Texas. It's like we sort of tolerate everyone from other states. The rest of the country thinks we're stupid hicks, but we don't care because maybe that will keep the northerners from coming into our territory. Really there is no state that can compare. I mean who has songs written about them like "All My Exes Live in Texas," "Luckenbach, Texas," "Amarillo by Morning," "Deep in the Heart of Texas" or certainly "God Bless Texas."


Unknown said...

Little bit of trivia...Wolf Brand Chili originated in Corsicana,TX. We are very proud!

AK said...

That made me all teary. I have had several people here say things to me like, "Aren't Texans, like, REALLY proud of their state?" and I say "yes." Besides, who else but a Texan could possibly invent Taco Bueno!! (Trivia: The first Taco Bueno was in Abilene)

Anonymous said...

Nothing like being away from Texas makes one understand that being a Texan really is a huge part of our identity. Have you ever noticed how many commercials appeal to our Texas pride? "Best in Texas," etc?? It wasn't like that in Tennessee

Anonymous said...

Sigh... Tex-Mex.

I miss it so much.