Sunday, November 14, 2010


Last Wednesday, Caroline called me from my mom's cell phone. Mom started the conversation with "Your daughter has something to tell you..." I had no idea what that could mean, but I prepared myself for anything! Caroline got on the phone and I heard her sweet little voice say, "Mommy, I have a loose tooth." I wasn't sure exactly how loose it was, but when I wiggled it that night I realized it would be out soon!
This weekend, we took Caroline out the the deer lease for the first time to celebrate Chris' birthday. I had a feeling when we came home she would have a nice little hole in her mouth! Well, this morning it was time, she was nervous but was tired of it bothering her when she ate. I gave it a little tug and right out it popped! She could not be more giddy!

This past summer in Ruidoso, mom and I found this really cute boutique. Mom bought this little Tooth Fairy bag. Caroline has been looking at it on her shelf for all of these months since then, just waiting to use it! Tonight is the night!!

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