Friday, October 29, 2010

First School Program

Last week Caroline had her very first school program. It was all about the fall, and it was super cute! She had a small crowd there cheering her on, so she was really excited (internally).
As usual in these situations, she was pretty stoic. When I asked her later why she was so serious, she said, "Mommy, I'm working hard up there." So I just said, "Ok..."
She had a part where she and a few other girls went down and scooped up and tossed leaves during a song. She loosened up a little bit then, but she was pretty intentional about what she was doing.
During the last song, she got to use a "boom whacker." They were really neat cylinders that made different tones when they were whacked on the ground. We finally got a small smile out at that point.
We were so proud of her. I almost teared up when I realized how old she is. We are so blessed to have her in our family!

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