Monday, December 19, 2011


The beginning of June was mainly consumed with wrapping up the school year. Caroline's class had a special program and she "graduated" on the first grade.

She loved her teacher, Miss Laughlin!
The week after school started, we dove into swim lessons. Mrs. Paige is a great teacher and Caroline made wonderful progress. Now that we have a pool in our backyard, it's very important that she be a good swimmer. We were so pleased with how great she was swimming by the end of the summer.
The first weekend in June was my 10 year high school. I couldn't believe it was already time to celebrate 10 years! It was so great to catch up with old friends. Everyone looked great! We had a great time laughing and remembering old times.

Before we left for Youth Camp, we celebrated Caroline's 6th birthday! She is such a wonderful young lady. We are so proud of her!
Nana and Aunt Allie joined Caroline and me for a trip to the Dallas Galleria. Caroline decided that she wanted to try out ice skating. Wow. It lasted all of two laps. After our ice adventure, we headed over to the American Girl Store.

We went to Chuck E. Cheese that night to cap off our day of celebrating.
The weekend after Caroline turned 6, we were so excited for her to be baptized. She asked Jesus into her heart in April and went "down the aisle" on Easter Sunday. She has grown so much in the Lord in these past few months. He is molding her into a lovely, precious young woman.
Could Papa look any more excited or proud?

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