Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Kids Say the Darndest Things

Here are the first 2 installments and there will be many m,ore to come I'm sure!

Last week, we were talking about the Olympics and China. I was telling the kids that the Chinese people are not allowed to talk about Jesus whenever they want to and they aren't allowed to take their Bible anywhere they want and they can only go to certain churches. I said that we need to pray for them because the people that run their government are not very nice to them. One of my little boys raised his hand and said "I think we call those people Democrats."

Then today, I said "How many of you have ever been to the mountains where you can call out 'HELLO' and the mountains call back to you?" Some of the kids said yes and then I asked if anyone knew what that was called and another one of my boys said "a ghetto!"


Brittany said...

oh my gosh! That is hilarious!!! Democrats!!!...oh how I love kids!

AK said...

I look forward to more of these to come. Feel free to throw in any from Caroline too...

Kristen Ballard said...

THAT is hilarious!! That sounds like something that would get sent out in an email. SO FUNNY!!!