Last week, while Chris was working out of town, Cooper threw my iPhone in the parking lot at the mall. GREAT! Thankfully I was able to get into my car and use the bluetooth inside to call my Hubby. The screen was nothing but multicolored static. Because we don't have a home phone, I had to get it replaced that night. Under normal circumstances, I would never take two small children to the Apple Store, but I was desperate. Thankfully, there weren't too many people in that night, so I could keep a close eye on Cooper as he tootled around while I got my new phone. We were finishing up when I saw Cooper running toward the front door. I called out to him to come back and he turned and started running back to me. At that point, I turned my attention back to the fine man that had been helping me. Next thing I know, I hear a CRASH! I look up and see that My Little Man had grabbed the front floor-to-ceiling display of the store and yanked it to the ground. All I remember was hearing a little whimper and then seeing Cooper head off to inflict further injury on the immaculate store. I couldn't quit apologizing or get out of there fast enough! I immediately called Chris. I just kept telling him that I was laughing to keep from crying! I snapped the pictured as I streaked out of the parking lot.
My Coop is a ball of energy. He keeps me on my toes, but has a very sweet heart. He's not mean or aggressive, just BUSY! Man I love him!