My Sweet Caroline is starting kindergarten in two weeks *tear* so Chris and I decided we would take her to Six Flags for the first time as a big kid. We left Coop with my mom and headed out. It was H-O-T, but luckily it wasn't super crowded. She could hardly sleep the night before!

Don't we all have this sun-in-the-face picture at the Six Flags entrance??

She warmed up when she saw "The Three Little Pigs" She has no idea who Porky is but we didn't feel the need to correct her...

We started at the Conquistador (the big swinging ship) and that was a huge hit. We moved on to the Mini Mine Train. She was well, underwhelmed, and wanted a bigger ride, so we went right next door to the Runaway Mine Train. She loved it and was ready for more!

So we looked on the map to see what she was tall enough to ride, and to our surprise, she was big enough for the Shock Wave. I remember what a big deal my first upside-down ride, so I couldn't believe she was old enough!! We showed it to her and she was game, so we got in line. This is her right before...

We couldn't believe it, but she LOVED it! We ended up riding it three times! Our little girl has no fear! Next, we rode the Antique Cars to do something relaxing. Another hit!

She really wanted to ride a water ride, but Chris and I clearly remember the annoyance of walking around all wet, so we picked the Log Ride. Now let me say, most of the rides at Six flags have weird names now, but we refused to call them by anything but the old school names. We hit up the Bobsled and the swings before ending our day with the Judge Roy Scream. Boy that thing rattles your brains! Caroline loved it and we were very pleased with our first family trip to Six Flags. We both sighed at the idea of the dozens of future sweaty trips to be made in years to come with the kids. Our parents did it with us, so I guess it's our turn!