We were so blessed this past week to take a trip up to Colorado with some dear friends for a quick skit trip. We were all over the spectrum as far as skiing experience goes, but it was a blast none the less!

First run down!

Have you ever seen such a thing??

"Gnar Pow"

Slow and steady wins the race, right B?
Olivia was all smiles!

The W's
Cutie Mrs. Em
Big B was the fastest man on the slopes
Scott and Olivia watching Brad fly

A well deserved break

We spent most evenings nursing our bruises and watching the Olympics, but we stuck in a game of Spoons

This spoon caused...

Pay up time for me!

My snow angel

On our last day the snow came! "I do not like skiing in the snow"

Olivia and the "body bags"


Waiting on the plane

Scott pushing "Kung Pow" through the airport.